
Sebastian Strangio is a journalist and author focusing on Southeast Asia. Since 2008, his reporting from across the region has appeared in more than 30 leading publications in the United States, Europe, and Asia.


Posts tagged "John Howard"

A Step Backwards?

Looks like ALP campaign manager Tim Gartrell is out for more Liberal blood. He didn’t waste any time getting this website up, skewering newly-elected opposition leader Brendan Nelson’s positions on education, workplace reform and climate change. After Saturday’s rout, the new Liberal skipper is in for a rough ride. Here is Nelson on nuclear power:...

Federal Election ’07

Fireworks were set off in the street as John Howard mounted the podium for the last time, the ABC telecast symbolically interrupting Peter Costello’s own smirk-filled victory speech. But after Saturday night’s ‘Ruddslide’ even the treasurer’s smirk, that island in the sea of change that is Australian politics, is no more. With Liberal MPs falling...